The Text book on Waves and Oscillations
University: | S.R.T.M.U. Nanded |
Course: | B.Sc. |
Year/Semester: | 2nd Year - Third Semester |
Duration: | 12 Months |
Book Pages: | 80 |
E-Book Price: |
₹ 55
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The Text book on Waves and Oscillations
Author : Dr. M.S. Khandekar
ISBN - 978-93-92464-18-8
1. Waves
Wave velocity and particle velocity, Differential
equation of wave motion, Energy of a plane
progressive wave, Equation of motion of a vibrating
string, Frequency and period of vibration of a string
2. Stationary waves
Analytical treatment of stationary waves (closed end
& open end pipe at the other end), Investigation of
pressure and density changes at displacement,
Nodes and Antinodes, Distribution of Energy in a
stationary wave, Energy is not transferred in a
stationary waves.
3. Free and Forced Vibrations
Free Vibrations, Undamped vibrations, Damped
Vibrations. Damped SHM in an electrical circuit.
Forced Vibrations, Resonance and Sharpness of
Resonance, Phase of Resonance, Examples of
forced and resonant vibrations
4. Acoustics and Ultrasonics
Reverberation, Reverberation time, Derivation of
Reverberation Time (Sabine’s formula), Absorption
coefficient, Determination of absorption coefficient,
Acoustic measurements, Conditions for good
acoustical designs of an auditorium, Ultrasonics,
Piezoelectric Oscillator, Magnetostriction
Oscillator,Detection of ultrasonic waves, Acoustic
grating, Application of Ultrasonic Waves

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Dr. M.S. Khandekar
M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D. (Physics)
Maharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya, Udgir
Kadam 15-Oct-2024 12:22 pm